Keratin Straightener Update (first shampoo)

July 26, 2008

As I told you earlier, there is a 72 wait before your first shampoo after having the Keratin Straightener.  Carrie washed her hair Thursday night and let it air dry.  Here is a picture of the hair from Friday.  It was air dried and slept on and has no product.

We gave her a haircut and a blowdry (using Kadus Repair Ends Balm: a smoothing and conditioning product which is left in the hair.)  I didn’t work hard to straighten it, I just blew it using a Denman Brush.

So far, Carrie is very excited about this service and is very pleased with the results.  We’ll keep you posted.  If you want to see her sassy new bangs, you’ll have to pop into the salon.  See you soon!

Zemanta Pixie

3 Responses to “Keratin Straightener Update (first shampoo)”

  1. Melissa Says:

    Hi there,

    I just had the Keratin done yesterday and I’m in hot weather. I’m sweating due to the heat and my hair is looking quite dirty. What is the worse that will happen if I have to wash it prior to the 72 hours? I paid a lot of money but I’m away at a work conference and can’t look like I have dirty hair.

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  3. I have a question.
    What does hair look like after is has been treated?
    thanks 🙂

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