In her book, Get Some Hairapy! A hairdresser’s prescription for happiness Aura Mae shares her best insights and stories from 20 years behind the chair to help you create the life you deserve. Copies are available in the salon, from your favorite bookseller, or online.
Aura spent the 1990’s teaching classes and workshops to hairdressers across the country for Goldwell USA. Today she is on the Brocato and Kadus Teams for Beautopia. She excels at creative and corrective haircolor, serves on the Board of Directors for the American Board of Certified Haircolorists and is a popular speaker at their annual Energizing Summit.
Her most requested classes are “Getting and Keeping the Clients You Want” (branding and marketing for small, independently owned salons) and “Creativity Boot Camp” (for hairdressers in a rut who want to be re-energized in their craft.) Her cutting training started at Vidal Sassoon in 1988, and her continued commitment to education is unparalleled.

Aura believes that small business is the backbone of America and is passionate about helping other small business owners succeed.
(Read her Small Salons blog here.)

One of the few people who can claim to have lived upwind of where they make Tabasco Sauce and to have attended Death Valley High School (Go Scorpions!) Aura Mae now lives in the Seattle area where she has owned a small salon since 1991.

16 Responses to “About Aura Mae”

  1. Aura Mae Says:

    I am always curious what leads people here. Thanks!

  2. Jenn Regis Says:

    With great hopes this piece would end well, but nope, last line, here comes the buried resentment again. Bad mood vibe.

  3. Aura Mae Says:

    It is no secret that I am not the most warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely person you will will ever meet. My personality falls on a continuum somewhere between drill sergeant and Texas high school football coach. I have long since made peace with the fact that I am not everyone’s cup of tea!

  4. […] found the Get Some Hairapy blog through a comment that the blog’s owner, Aura Mae, left on the Performancing blog. The business behind the blog is the Azarra […]

  5. natalie Says:

    ok…so i just commented on your latest post and then realized that i am already following you on twitter. i know…i can be slow sometimes! but you are funny for sure so i’m glad. i am twitter lazy most of the time so i needed this kick in the pants!

    hairapy…i won’t even go into my hair issues!

  6. Scott McKain Says:

    Aura Mae — Wow! Just saw where you recommended my books during your presentation on “Getting and Keeping the Clients You Want.”

    Just wanted to thank you…and to say that your content is terrific…and your blog is awesome…I look forward to reading more!

  7. Angela Says:

    Hi. I was looking for a quote on anger and stumbled upon your website. I sent the link to my sister 🙂
    Next time I am in Seattle I will look into stopping by your hair salon to say hello or for a haircut!!

    🙂 cheers!

  8. So happy to see what you do, Aura. You rock. 🙂

  9. DavidLeVack Says:

    I just came to this site cause you’re hot!

  10. Lisa Says:

    This is awesome: “has two teenagers, a Great Dane, a smart mouth and no time for nonsense!”. What a perfect tagline.

  11. Aura Mae Neeley Says:

    I just came across your site as I was googling my one in a million name, well so I thought. I never thought I would live to meet someone with my exact name. Its very freaky even spelled the same!!! Anyways, congrats on writting a book!

  12. Aura Mae Says:

    @aura mae: if you dug around on Google for long, I am sure you found an artist named Aura Mae Savage. While I am unfamiliar with her art, I think her name rocks!

    I was named after an ancestor. If you were, too, we may be related!

  13. I have been holding a grudge for almost two years. I have a unique story and situation, and I havn’t figured a way out of it, and it consumes a fair amount of my concious,and consquently my emotions, ( I think about how I have been wronged, and get angry …..every day. ) This is my first step in trying to do something about it. I just typed in “holding a grudge” into google. Thank You for sharing information of this subject.

  14. d Says:

    can i be honest here, i came across your post on revenge while i was looking for christian advice on this matter. which explain why when i read through your post, i thought, wow, what an amazing christian lady, and then i read your post again, i realized, as far as i can see, you are not a christian.

    i dont what to say…. here is a non christian behaving more Christ like than many christians?

    ps i dont know what is your feeling towards religion, but i meant that as compliment.

    • Aura Mae Says:

      Thanks for your comment. It really got me thinking. While I do not affiliate myself with any religion, I believe in the tennents of many faiths. I learned my lesson on forgiveness fairly early in life and have tried to help others get let go of things that are clearly poisoning them. The thing you become aware of is that the person you are angry with, the one who wronged you, is not harmed by your lack of forgiveness, but you are. I hope all people can learn the freedom you feel when you forgive. And I hope that they also learn to forgive themselves. It’s hard enough to get through the bumps of life without beating your self up along the way.

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