Exploring Happiness – from Lifehack

March 9, 2008

I have an excerpt here from Lifehack.  If you haven’t seen them before, I suggest you add it to your reading list.  Click here to read this particular story (be sure to read all the comments to get the full discussion) and while you are there, click around and read some of the other articles.  I am sure you will find it both educational and interesting.

Exploring Happiness

Explore Happiness

I know, I know; I’m either stupid or brave to even think about tackling this topic. Alright, we’ll go with stupid.

Before I start today’s chat, let me say that I know there is no ‘answer’ or consensus to this discussion. No sh*t Sherlock. I’m not stupid enough to think there might exist one universal standard or school of thought when it comes to this topic, perhaps just a bunch of different thoughts, ideas and philosophies. Like most of you, I’m still exploring it, which is why I have chosen to make it just that; a discussion, an interactive chat, a group exploration. I’ll open the door on it and you guys can come in and chat. It could get messy, so buckle up. I’d love to know your thoughts and feelings on the subject because it’s an issue which is relevant to every person on the planet. It’s probably the one topic which commands universal interest.

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