Wow. I thought MY son was a pain in the ass.

July 7, 2008

Remember Semaj Booker, the kid who got caught trying to leave SeaTac by sneaking on a flight (after having successfully done so previously?)

Well, he has found himself in trouble again.  This time for residential burglary.

Read the details over at the Trib.

By the way, did I tell you that I was interviewed by a reporter working on a story about juvenile crime for a parenting magazine?  She asked me to tell her my story and about 10 minutes into it, she started muttering things like “Oh, my!”

Poor thing.  She usually writes stories about how to handle toddler tantrums and parent teacher conferences.  This was quite eye opening for her.  The article is supposed to come out later this summer.  I will post a link to it when I get it.

Zemanta Pixie

2 Responses to “Wow. I thought MY son was a pain in the ass.”

  1. The link to the Trib isn’t working, but what on earth is going on with this kid?

  2. Aura Mae Says:

    @Hayden: I fixed the link. Thanks for the heads-up. As for what is going on with this kid, I can not even begin to tell you.

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